Best Way to Hang Christams Lights Inside the House

The festive season is almost here and you might accept already noticed Christmas lights going up in the neighbourhood. So, if you're thinking of illuminating your own home, here's exactly how to hang your outdoor Christmas lights like a pro.

Hanging up your outdoor decorations is no easy task and if you're unprepared, it can become tedious and spoil the festive fun. Fortunately, the annual job tin can be fabricated simple past planning ahead.

Adam Pawson, Head of Digital at Safestyle United kingdom, shares his top v hacks on how to hang your outdoor Christmas lights. Accept a await at them beneath...

1. Put prophylactic outset

Fifty-fifty though decorating your abode for Christmas is fun and exciting, it'due south always important to put rubber first.

'I'd recommend that you check that your lights are working properly earlier attempting to hang them on your windows or doors, that fashion you tin can spot any diddled bulbs before they're hanging at awkward heights,' says Adam. 'If your lights are powered by the mains supply, you should also bank check that the source is at a suitable altitude from your chosen surface.'

Likewise as this, ensure your Christmas lights are suitable for outdoor use. 'The aforementioned goes for your extension lead, you can buy durable outdoor extension cords if you don't already own ane,' adds Adam. Familiarising yourself with the safest mode to hang your lights is vital, and so don't forget to utilise a ladder: cutting corners by using boxes or stools considering it could result in serious accidents.

outdoor string lights, lights4fun
Outdoor cord lights, Lights4Fun

Oliver Perrott/Lights4Fun

2. Test the length of your lights earlier yous start

    'Almost people get too excited and blitz straight into the installation of their outdoor Christmas lights, simply the easiest style to avoid mistakes is to test the length of your lights at the offset,' says Adam.

    'Whether you're looking to create an icicle effect or simply a twinkling edge, information technology's of import to ensure that you take enough wire to attain the total length of your window. If your lights are too curt, at least you'll accept time to rethink your design.'

    festoon lights, lights4fun
    Festoon lights, Lights4Fun

    Oliver Perrott Photography Ltd

    three. Use clipper hooks

    Decorating clips and gutter hooks will help secure lights on your windows, doors, and forth gutters. Y'all can purchase them for as little as £3 from B&Q, while other DIY retailers should as well stock them.

    'To achieve the well-nigh impressive effect, one of the more important things to consider is the distance between each claw,' explains Adam. 'Attempt to identify each one at regular intervals, leaving enough infinite to allow for slack. If you're creating an icicle effect, space the hooks closer together so that the weight of the lights is more supported.'

    4. Plug the lights in and work backwards (without switching them on)

    Accept you ever tried this before? A corking style to avoid tugging on the socket, all you need to do is have the end of the string of lights and plug into the power source (ensure it'due south weather condition-resistant). Then, without switching them on, slowly work backwards across the prepared window. You lot'll have a glistening display in no time.

      Adam advises: 'Endeavor to avoid the cable hanging very loosely, instead you should aim for the lights to snugly fit on the hooks without tugging on the socket. Once you've reached the cease, ensure that everything is tidy and evenly spaced.'

      hang outdoor christmas lights like a pro

      ArtBoyMB Getty Images

      5. Switch your lights on

      Now the fun part! Adam says: 'Accept a step back to look at your lights and if in that location are any overhanging cables or uneven dips, make the necessary adjustments. Once you're happy with them, switch your lights on at the source.'

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